How to Read a Nutrition Label

September 30, 2021 By Pearlman MD's In Nutrition
Oftentimes, the more health claims on a product, the more unhealthy it is. Fresh produce for example does not have any health claims on the product except for the barcode sticker on an apple. All packaged products contain a nutrition label and the remainder of the packaging is designed to grab the c...

The Ultimate Grocery List

August 31, 2021 By Pearlman MD's In Nutrition
Download Printable Grocery List Proteins If available and budget allows, try to choose items that are non-GMO and antibiotic and hormone free Fresh or Frozen options are both great Limit canned items unless low sodium and in water Limit pre-made options like cured meats and deli (high in sodium, pre...

Dining Out Hacks

August 17, 2021 By Pearlman MD's In Nutrition
Did you know that you can still dine out while staying on track with your health and nutrition goals? Here are some of Dr. Michelle Pearlman’s dining out hacks to help limit excessive calories, saturated fat, and sugar to protect your waistline as well as reduce common GI symptoms:  Revie...

Protein 101: Know Your Options

July 27, 2021 By Pearlman MD's In Nutrition
Protein is found in both animals and plants and is made of amino acids. As a vegan or vegetarian, it is still possible to consume your daily protein requirements, as long as you are mindful and strategic of what you are eating on a regular basis. Protein requirements for each individual vary based o...

To Juice or Not to Juice?

July 09, 2021 By Pearlman MD's In Nutrition
What is juicing? Juicing is the act of extracting juice liquid from fruits and/or vegetables. There are manual and electric options which separate the juice from the pulp. Two of the main types of electric juices include centrifugal juicers and masticating juicers. A centrifugal juicer uses a higher...

Juice or Smoothie? Plus, Simple Smoothie Tips

June 14, 2021 By Pearlman MD's In Nutrition
In the mood for a smoothie? Here are my tips and tricks on how to create your own smoothie. Remember, just because a food or beverage has a lot of nutrients, does not mean that it is low calorie or low in carbs or sugar.  Liquids empty faster than solids from your stomach. Fat has […]...