To Juice or Not to Juice?

July 09, 2021 By Pearlman MD's In Nutrition
What is juicing? Juicing is the act of extracting juice liquid from fruits and/or vegetables. There are manual and electric options which separate the juice from the pulp. Two of the main types of electric juices include centrifugal juicers and masticating juicers. A centrifugal juicer uses a higher...

Low Testosterone and Male Fertility

July 09, 2021 By Pearlman MD's In Sexual Health
What not all clinics are telling you about harms of testosterone therapy on your fertility  Testosterone therapy can interrupt normal production/development of sperm resulting in VERY low or complete absence of sperm in the ejaculate.        After stopping testosterone therapy, amount of time t...

Common Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

June 14, 2021 By Pearlman MD's In Sexual Health
Impotence occurs when you are unable to achieve an erection, maintain an erection, or ejaculate on a consistent basis. It’s used interchangeably with erectile dysfunction (ED) (Healthline). Several factors can contribute to the condition, including both emotional and physical d...

How to Use your Mind to Lose Weight

June 14, 2021 By Pearlman MD's In Mindfulness
How you eat is just as important as what you eat especially if you are trying to lose weight. It is important to pay attention to the following: Chewing your food well. Digestion starts in your mouth with the release of enzymes from salivary glands In order to promote efficient and adequate digestio...

Juice or Smoothie? Plus, Simple Smoothie Tips

June 14, 2021 By Pearlman MD's In Nutrition
In the mood for a smoothie? Here are my tips and tricks on how to create your own smoothie. Remember, just because a food or beverage has a lot of nutrients, does not mean that it is low calorie or low in carbs or sugar.  Liquids empty faster than solids from your stomach. Fat has […]...